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Order to force professor qiao to agree to the marriage yes I accidentally heard miss qiao and mrs qiao chatting su ruoxing was very surprised it turned out that qiao zhanchen was guarding the bottom line with qiao chixuan at.

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Group to focus on follow up our expert group involves various fields and we still lack a chinese medical expert consultant we really hope that professor su will join easy to talk about su ruoxing knew that qiao zhanchen had.

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Night okay but I have to wait for a while I ll wait for you okay as soon as su ruoxing opened the door of the ward qiao chixuan came rush forward he planned to block her at the door again at this time qiao zhanchen was.

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And don t worry too much upon hearing su ruoxing s words qiao chixuan couldn t bear it anymore and pointed at the tip of su ruoxing s nose and shouted angrily su ruoxing you got an advantage and still behave brother zhan.

Just jealous of me receiving flowers she turned to lu chengji and said xiao lu you are kind hearted and like to help others the most go buy a bouquet of flowers for miss qiao and I will reimburse you for it qiao chixuan was.

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Matriarchal society right su xinglie let s go back su ruoxing was full and took su xinglie back to qiao zhanchen s villa after settling down su ruoxing was about to sleep when the door was knocked she thought it was a.

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Like him I will never consider other men don t like me su ruoxing but when you were in the united states you obviously loved him very much me for me you can sacrifice yourself don t suppress your feelings I can do.

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Lion the two men stopped but a middle aged woman who still had charm appeared behind them m they re all from my own family how many men do you have the middle aged woman looked at su ruoxing with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

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